So for such a rainy day, Burlington wasn't a total bust! I actually ended up with an entire empty container, which was nice. We did leave early, and decided to stop at the antique mall and then Goodwill on the way home.
At Burlington, I purchased a few things from Dad and an old wool army blanket. The few things from Dad were three old photos, some teal Anchor Hocking dinnerware (apparently that and the bright green Fire King is what I'll be collecting this year), a cool handmade vessel, and something else I can't remember. I spent about $15.
I did not buy the (newer, not well-made) mini Great Wheel for $25 at the antique mall. I probably would have; in fact, I decided to go look at it again and it had mysteriously vanished. But I did buy a handmade wooden box and a bright green Fire King mug. At Goodwill, a watercolor Shaker saying, a skirt, two pairs of pants, and a little jar that will be useful in the kitchen.
All in all, it was a good day, despite the rain.