TNG is about 37,500 at the moment. I'm 60 pages away from being finished with the merge/expansion/whatever I decided to do. I got a lot done over the weekend, but not quite as much as I hoped. I still hope to finish it by Friday at the latest. (Hopefully sooner.)

It's supposed to snow again over this week. We're all sick and tired of the cold and nasty weather, but we'll be complaining about the heat and humidity soon enough. :)

I'm working on an actual schedule, which will allow me one night off a week. We'll see how that works out. And I'm also working on a business plan as well as a list of goals I'd like to reach in the near future. I'm getting organized.

Once the weather breaks, I'll be able to visit my stuff in storage and find the rest of my reference books. I can't wait!


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