Well. I did write the HD synopsis between 2-3am Sunday morning, so sleeplessness does have its advantages. It ended up right at 2 1/2 pages, so that's under the mark as well. I think it reads okay. I'm going to let Vicki read it first, and then work on the cover letter. I spent yesterday working through it again, and I'm reading the 67 pages (again) today at lunch, just to make sure I didn't miss anything. (And then I send it out! Eeep!!) I want to have it in the mail Thursday, since I have to take it to the PO for postage.

So far, aside from the ants, the battery backup, and the Murphy's oil soap, we've had no disasters since Mom and Dad have been in Florida. Hopefully, I didn't just jinx us. :) But they will be home on Thursday, so there's a limited amount of time for disasters to happen anyway.

As far as I can tell, the sweet peas I planted around the trellis are doing just fine. I might make another one; I have enough bamboo to make at least one more. Coupled with the lattice trellis I also have available to use, that makes three in the little garden, and I think that would look quite nice. That's another thing to do on Thursday. I like my days off. :)

Let's see. Anything else? Not at the moment, I suppose... I'll try to write more later if I can think of anything.


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