Okay! Fixed! Finally. The automatic thingy sure didn't work.
The birthday party went great, I think. Ethan liked the sucker. He wasn't interested in much else. :)
I will post pictures, or a picture, eventually.
I have been asked how I feel about the current brouhaha at Forward Motion. Since I had no idea there was a brouhaha going on, and since I haven't visited the site since I resigned, I really have no thoughts on the matter, other than what I posted last May. My feelings there haven't changed. FWIW.
Um. Anything else? I don't think so. I'll try to post more this evening. At least I managed to fix the comments!
The birthday party went great, I think. Ethan liked the sucker. He wasn't interested in much else. :)
I will post pictures, or a picture, eventually.
I have been asked how I feel about the current brouhaha at Forward Motion. Since I had no idea there was a brouhaha going on, and since I haven't visited the site since I resigned, I really have no thoughts on the matter, other than what I posted last May. My feelings there haven't changed. FWIW.
Um. Anything else? I don't think so. I'll try to post more this evening. At least I managed to fix the comments!