I just wanna write!
I would be perfectly happy to sit at home and write for a living. I know this, so why haven't I made a bigger effort to end up where I want to be? I've written and/or finished what, five novels this year? (iirc.) Every single one of them has sold, so far, except for the novella, but that one will end up a novel, and the 3-day novel, which I have yet to hear about. (I know they got it, but that's about it.)
I started to seriously submit in January. I don't think I've done that badly in one year, have I? It only makes sense to move onto the next step. I think AbNo will be the first book I'm going to seriously attempt to get a professional publisher interested in (or an agent; I'm going to try that first.) Then Redemption, then we'll see. Maybe that will be my New Year's Resolution.