My priority list/essay is now 3,096 words. Wow. I didn't know I had so much to say on the issue. If I'm not careful, it will turn into a book. ;)

I'm not positive I'll get done with it this weekend; I have the other craft show on Saturday from 9-3. But we'll see. It's going well so far.

I can't believe next week is Thanksgiving. November is flying by just like this year has.

And CtS is sitting quite nicely at 23,000 words and some change. So I'm catching up. Although a quick calculation shows that I'm actually 10k and some change behind quota. hmm. Oh well. At the moment, I'm much more concerned about finishing the story properly than finishing NaNo. Sorry, everyone. :)

Oh, and the new bear is finished. Her name is Isabel. And she's already a handful.

I'm thinking a pale, pale blue/gray mohair for the next bear. I have some, and it's just asking for a bear. Although, I do have silk coming as well as 10lbs of other yarn (eek) so we'll see. I should get the craft stuff together and ready to go tonight instead of making another bear, but I can't seem to stop for long.


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