Mabel hates the rain. It's raining. Therefore, Miss Mabel would rather die* than go out in the rain to go potty.

(*said in true teenage fashion, if you get my drift.)

Mabel also refuses to step over the cats. It's not that she's scared of them--they're more afraid that she will step on them. And they will move if she gets close enough. But no, she won't even approach them. (Case in point: Pooh was lying across the kitchen rug in the doorway. Meaning, he was blocking the doorway. I stepped over him to go get her lead so she could go out and go potty, but Mabel wouldn't even approach him until I finally crouched down and clapped my hands for her to come. Pooh moved out of the way as soon as she approach. Duh!)

It's really raining, though. And the ground is already saturated. (This could well be snow, however! I would almost prefer snow, though. It's less wet. And the ground would be frozen, hopefully.)

I had a great idea for a Valentine-themed doll today. Actually, four dolls. I'm not sure if anyone will appreciate my sense of humor, though. We'll see. I think I might start the first one tomorrow. :)


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