So instead of doing a three-day novel, I've been sitting here all day working on fixing HD. I need to do this. It's driving me nuts! (And I'm in my pajamas still. Why get dressed if all you're going to do all day is sit in front of a computer and write? (I probably should have gotten dressed at some point, but by the time I thought about it, it was pretty pointless. I mean, even if I did take a shower right now, I'd just put on a fresh pair of pajamas.)


Mabel's been upstairs with me all day long as well, but she's been snoring, not writing. And she actually took a two hour long nap earlier, but she's usually by herself all day on Tuesdays anyway, so I guess it wasn't really a surprise. She has been very good lately, too. Although last night when we had a thunderstorm, she was frightened of the thunder, and wouldn't budge from my side, even when I went to the bathroom.

Speaking of the weather, for posterity's sake it was 64 degrees yesterday. Today was a little colder, but I still think it got up to 50. Although two years ago on this date, it was 62.6 outside. I didn't record what the weather was like last year at this time, but I did say it was raining.

While I'm waiting for my water to boil so I can put the noodles in for tuna noodle casserole, I might as well do a year-in-review...

In January of '05, I wrote a list of things I wanted to accomplish during the year. I was a bit--shall we say--optimistic. However, Mabel arrived, and so did Mischa. I unpacked more stuff. The weather prevented me from unpacking Storage more than I wanted to, but I did manage to get some of it out and into the house. I started the first attempt to organize my office. I brought Zoey, the cat-who-hated-everyone, and discovered that maybe, just maybe, things would work between them all. Hildy arrived, and I put her cage in the first (of three or four) places. And Bekah and Ethan officially moved in as well. And I had my very first #1 and #2 on a Fantasy Bestseller List--something that I was able to mark off my list of "100 things to do before I die."

In February, I found a garter snake in my front yard. My spring bulbs were already coming up. I started to try to arrange the house a bit better so it looked more like a house and not a 11-room Storage facility. Ethan dropped a bouncy ball down the bathtub drain. Luckily, I had Dad's ShopVac to suck it out. I bought a $1000 dining room rug for $37.50.

In March, I was a presenter at the Maumee Valley Writers Conference. It was fun, and educational, and I wouldn't mind doing it again (I wasn't invited this year, though.) I had the absolute best cheese ravioli I have had in my life in Toledo, however, so I will have to get back up there eventually. I made another set of resolutions (which I didn't even try to adhere to) and I bought lettuce and spinach seed to sow in the bed next to my side porch.

In April, I saw my forsynthia tree bloom, and I started to dig up plants--mint, lemon balm, and my hardy sweet peas--from Mom and Dad's. I went to a Civil War Ball! The first Burlington came and passed (and I didn't spend too much money) and I started getting frustrated with the way the Beth-Hill series was panning out. I tried to do a list of 10 things to do per month, and while this kind of worked for a bit for a couple of months, it soon peetered out. And last but not at all least, I CLEANED OUT STORAGE!

In May, I continued the organizing and cleaning of the house. I slowly started to get things put away, but I wasn't anywhere near to being finished. I took pictures of my growing lettuce, and my mint beds and my lemon balm. I started clearing out the space between the two flowerbeds, something that would continue on until early fall (and I'm still not done.) I started painting the kitchen (Still not done with that either!) I started the rewrite of HD, which I'm still writing. I got a 'couch', which is really a double papasan chair. Quite comfy! I found the color I want to paint my house, and I got a new car!

In June, I spent two weeks alone when everyone went to Florida without me (I didn't mind, really, at all) and turned on the air conditioner for the first time. I continued to dig out the flowerbed that was quickly becoming a garden. I bagged up all of the carpet, and got rid of most of it. I also painted two bookcases for the kitchen, and put them into place. I complained about the humidity almost every single day.

In July, I took a week off to clean and organize my office. Despite the fact that I did work in the office all week long, I didn't get done. But I made a dent, which would remain a dent until much later in the year. I also brought home Misty. I planted tomatoes and gourds and zucchini. My sweet peas bloomed, and I took lots of pictures of everything! Someone stole one of my garbage cans, and I made a sign and hung it on my lilac bush for the entire month. My sister Emily moved to Portland. It was very hot.

In August, we had Katrina, I had gourds, roses, and something weird that wasn't poison ivy. The Ninth Guest came out in print, and I was still working on the HD rewrite that I later axed. I picked my first zucchini. It was Ethan's third birthday, and I made my first StoryStuffed Doll. It was still hot.

In September, I had the proverbial last straw pertaining to Mischa, although he didn't go to live with Mom and Dad until later. Blood of the Innocents was released. Went to the RenFaire for the first time in years, and had a nice time. My Dana's battery died, beginning my troubles. Brought Cleome home! (She's under my chair at the moment.) Made Mabel a denim pillow that she later destroyed. Kept cleaning! The house is slowly starting to look much better. Saw gas rise to $3.09/gallon. And started rewriting HD without Sarah Campbell.

In October, I made my first Sweater Bear, cleaned and organized my entire office, continued the rewrite of HD, celebrated my one year anniversary of becoming a homeowner, and finally finished Ladybug, Ladybug. I also started to paint my side door like stained glass, but haven't finished yet. (I'm waiting until it's warmer.) And I gave Mabel a bath for the very first time (she hasn't had one since, actually.)

In November, I had two craft shows, both which went fairly well. I had a nice Thanksgiving, and I started the quilt for Dad for Christmas. I made more bears. And Mischa went to live with Mom and Dad.

In December, I continued the rewrite of HD, actually finished all my Christmas gifts on time, successfully made my version of After-Dinner Mints and Mom's candy after having three batches fail, put up a Christmas tree and didn't have it come crashing down, made Mabel a stocking, and had a very nice Christmas.

I think I had a busy year. Obviously, writing-wise 2005 was pretty light, considering the only thing I finished was Ladybug, Ladybug. But in my defense, the Unpacking and Organizing of the House took a lot more time than I expected, and that was a big priority.

I will post my goals for this year soon.


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