Okay, that's more like it.

Everything is packed. I now have eleven scrubbies; if I make more this evening, that's fine. If not, that's fine too.

Three containers, plus my scarf rack, plus the floor inkle loom for the ornaments and hats. I'm going to try to do without the little bookcase this year. We'll see if I can manage it.

I have a brown velvet bedspread and a green bedspread for the tables. I'm just about to go get the quilt I usually use, because I know it fits and I'm not certain about either bedspread. I wanted to use Christmas plaid (but pretty) tablecloths, but I can only find two of those, and that's not enough.

I still have to clean out my car, though! And then I get to pack everything up. I am wondering if I should just setup tomorrow morning or if I should go tonight; I'm not sure which I will decide. Either way, I do have to take a shower and get dressed here soon. :)

And I still have the scarf and shawl to finish, but it's early yet.


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