It's the weekend again, and I have a long list of things to do, as usual.

We got some heavy rain last night, so I won't be working outside much (if at all) today; I could pull weeds, I guess, but I really need another day inside.

Today's goals include finishing up the kitchen and working in the laundry room and entry room. I've been up since 7am, and have written quite a bit on the story that now needs a title (How Lyenel met Jeril is it's working title, but obviously it can't stay) and it's now up to 11,473 words.

I also have auctions to post on ebay (lots of them; both this evening and tomorrow evening), and spindles to post on Etsy, too! Yay! I am calling them 'Teacup Spindles'. I think that fits.


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