Still working in the kitchen.

--Big kitchen table is out, currently sitting in the entry room.
--Baking table and porcelain-topped cabinet are in place, currently cleaning off my baking table. So I can actually use it. Hurray!
--Garlic was dried out, so I tossed what I had left. My garlic in the garden is growing fine. I will have plenty.
--found room for the small bookcase, so I don't have to rearrange my cookbooks, although I'm still planning to get rid of a few.
--still trying to figure out what to do with the bikes.
--I threw Mabel's blanket away. It was too gross to keep. She's not happy with me, but I have another blanket that she can have (same kind), so hopefully that will be ok.
--Mabel's pillow will also be tossed, since it's also gross and she doesn't use it.
--Contemplating whether or not Mabel would be ok with sleeping in the kitchen under the little desk. There could be room for her blanket there. Although, since I'm planning to put the leaf up on the big table and storing ebay boxes underneath, that will actually solve some space issues in the entry room and Mabel might not be as much as an annoyance with her habit of moving her blanket right into my pathway, thus forcing me to ask her to move all the damned time. (I swear--no more house dogs for me once she is gone. At least not her size, and I don't like little yappy dogs, so that probably means no more dogs for me.)
--If I had a spot for my bread machine (used often, never put away) then I would move the mail desk from the entry room into the kitchen and the little desk into the entry room from the kitchen.
--I still have winter squash to eat. Lots and lots of winter squash.
--I already know I'm not going to get finished today; if I get the kitchen mostly finished today I will be pleased.
--I have to run an errand later. I don't want to run an errand later. Ugh.
--Mabel is acting like I'm punishing her because I have her corralled in front of the side door. On a rug, no less. She has plenty of space to move around, and she's out of my way. And I don't have to yell at her. There should be no problem with this, dammit.
--The cats are smart. They've pretty much vanished for the afternoon.
--I have a table full of stuff to put on ebay/take to Burlington. So far.


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