So yesterday I actually managed to take photos and write up text for ebay auctions--and I actually managed to post them, too. Now, granted, there were only five, but I'm planning to post five more today, and then five next Saturday and five next Sunday, etc., etc. I have no reason not to. The garden is winding down and almost finished, I'm only setting up at one craft show this year, so really, I have time.

And while gathering up stuff to post, I looked around at everything I have and I made a couple of decisions. I've been waffling whether or not to keep the painted 1820 wheel; it's now on Ebay, and the biggest reason is this: I don't need to keep it. The spinning wheels I own can spin and ply everything I throw at them. Three Saxony style wheels are two Great Wheels (although I'm still debating whether or not to keep one Great Wheel) is enough. I have enough. I will buy more wheels to sell, but not to keep, unless it's something very, very special (like another Bisson, perhaps, or an actual Blue Wheel.) I have one project wheel left and that is it. (And that one may become my blue wheel, anyway.)

If the painted wheel doesn't sell on ebay, it will go to the last Burlington, so that will work out well. But my time of collecting wheels is over; I now have a static (and working) collection.

I am, however, in the market for a Glimakra Emilia rigid heddle loom. For two reasons--first, it's going to take a bit to get the big loom up and running, and second, I've been wrestling with that decision since I sold my Emilia two years ago, and have regretted it ever since. I'm not going to go hogwild and start buying looms again--except to sell, but I would like to add an Emilia to my home again. (Money's already allocated for that and it does not come out of the roof fund or ebay money, so we're good, although I am on a strict budget for it.)

Over the next few weeks, I'm going to go through each room and pull items to sell/donate/get rid of. I have to get going on this rearranging project so that I can get the big loom up and running and so my house is easier to keep clean enough for my tastes. :) This fall is going to be busy in more ways than one, so it's time to get going on various projects before another winter passes and nothing has been done.


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