Scarecrows is 56,447 words at the moment, and I haven't written anything since Thursday (I've been a little busy, after all.) However, I am also a little stuck. What happens next is still forming in my mind. I know some of it, but not all of it, and since this is a key point in the plot, it's kind of important that I know what happens next.

And, I have the feeling that this will be one of those scenes that I really need a good chunk of time to write (uninterrupted) and I don't have that kind of time this morning. I have to go back up to church to help with the end of the Silent Auction (and help with Elsa--which has been the case all weekend long) so I need more time to think about it.

But hey--while I'm thinking, I'm getting a lot of spinning done, which is nice. :)


Grey Walker said…
Spinning and thinking. A perfect combination. :)

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