Vicki and I were talking yesterday (or emailing, rather) about what we wanted to get done by the end of the year, writing-wise.

Thinking about that, and looking at my bibliography page, made me realize that it wasn't updated WIP-wise, and that I really should decide what to finish by December 31.

Obviously it won't be everything. I'm not that good.

I want to finish Scarecrows by the end of the year as well as my NaNo novel, whatever that may be. Speaking of...

Here are the plots I've come up with for NaNoWriMo this year: (cut and pasted from yesterday's set of emails to Vicki...)

1. Desolation Jones--a YA about a boy and his unusual family and what happens
when a not-so-freak accident sends Des and his siblings straight to Faerie.
Not sure about plot on this one; at the moment I have mostly characters.

2. The Eighth Room--next in the Jacob Lane series. Darkbrook's train is
vandalized, a mundane boy finds his way to Darkbrook, and all hell breaks

3. "You've Been Haunted"--my mystery. Around Halloween, mysterious plates of
desserts start showing up on neighborhood doorsteps with the note "You've Been
Haunted" attached. The idea is that if you get haunted, you have to return the
favor and haunt someone else. But when tragedy strikes and neighbors start
dying after eating poisoned cakes and candy... (I have no characters for this
one yet, really. Except, perhaps, for a 20-something girl who lives alone in a
rented cottage and who looks a bit like me... :)

At the moment, the mystery looks best, but it's freshest. But there are no
real characters yet! I mean, I need the 'sleuth'; it's definitely a cozy
mystery. Kind of offbeat, perhaps.

Hmm. Maybe... Maybe the MC has a live-in boyfriend who just happens to be a
ghost. Maybe her cat talks. Maybe I can have fun with this...

I'm really leaning towards the mystery, but I'm not sure. Hmm. What do you think?

But anyway...

To finish this year, and get back on track with this post...

1. Scarecrows
2. The NaNo Novel
3. Trapped in the Spiritworld with an Internet Connection, especially if we use this one as our Christmas serial.

And I think that's going to be it. All of the others can wait until the New Year. None of them are almost finished; all need a bit more work to continue.

It seems light. But then again, it is the end of October. Already.

(And this will be my last post tonight, darn it!)


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