Craft show report: SLOOOOWWW. Dismally slow. I've made $14. This stinks. It's just too nice and sunny outside, and I'm sticking to that explanation (from long-tradition, if it is nice and sunny, people don't come to craft shows. If it is cold and sunny, or with flurries and sunny, that is perfect weather for craft shows.) Jess and her friend Shannon are at Anderson High School today, so hopefully they will sell everything I sent with them and I will feel better.

But in good news, 4 out of 7 items (so far) I have up for auction on ebay have bids. So, yay for decluttering a tiny little bit! I'll post more auctions tomorrow, regardless. I need some empty space in this house!

Otherwise, I had to cut six pages of dialogue in Deadfall, because--believe me--six pages of dialogue was a bit much. Of course, they are riding in a carriage. What else can you do in a carriage but talk? ;)

Anyway, I'm reworking Part 11 to fix the dialogue issue. And now I have to go eat breakfast. I did not reach 20k yesterday because of the cutting, but I'm aiming for that today.


Grey Walker said…
I'm sorry the craft show was slow. :(
Jennifer said…
Eh, that's ok. It happens!

But quite a few people liked your collars. Not enough to buy, alas, but even so. You got compliments!

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