Last year's batch of straw had a lot of seeds, which, predictably, sprouted, so my garden looks more like a lawn right now. I thought about pulling each clump out by hand, but then I decided that if I wanted to till tomorrow or Thursday, I really should just mow it. So I did. I also mowed the front (not the hill) and the side. I'll finish up the front yard tomorrow or Thursday. The backyard really needs to be done too, but it's too dark to work outside by 8:15pm, so I really don't have a lot of time to work with and still be able to eat supper too.

I moved the rug, or tried to; it's rooted down in some spots and I'll have to work on that. But I was a bit surprised to notice that part of the rug was bubbling up, like there was something growing under it. Oh, what could that possibly be? (If you guessed mint, you would be correct.)

(It's supposed to rain Friday, although there's not much of a chance, I'd still like to be done with this by then. We'll see.)

So. On my list for outside* for the rest of the week, so far:

--Till the big garden
--Finish mowing the front yard

and Saturday:

--sow squash seeds and anything else that needs sown
--finish cleaning out the flowerbed
--transfer some of the perennials that need to be separated
--keep working in the backyard, maybe dig up some blackberries

Sunday is Burlington, so nothing will be done outside on Sunday.

Monday (since I'm off), get done with whatever I haven't gotten done with outside. Maybe dig up blackberries this day?

Sometime soon, I should bring out my plants. That is, sometime soon when I'm positive I can do so without pulling out my back.

So now I'm going to sit here for a bit and write for a bit, and eat some blueberry cake and drink some tea and relax for a bit before I have to head to bed. Whew!

P.S. My strawberries are blooming!

*my inside list is a lot longer, and just as important. Ack!


Grey Walker saidā€¦
I'm starting to believe that mint would survive a nuclear blast. :)

Hey, would you be willing to be my personal shopper for something at Burlington?
Jennifer saidā€¦
I'm beginning to think so too! After the apocalypse, at least we'll have tea to drink. :)

Sure! I'll email you.

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