Day 2:

Walked 1 mile. Right leg no longer shooting pain until about 3/4ths of the way back, and then my hip started to hurt. Left leg a mass of shooting pains (on my shins, mostly) but now is fine. Note to self: DON'T let yourself get this out of shape again.

Passed the same guy walking the same dog (nice dog) two days in a row. Did not see fluffy calico cat, darn it all. Very friendly cat, btw. :)

Does anyone know how long it takes an average out of shape person to walk a mile? It took me 30 minutes. Is this good? Bad? Seriously hilarious? I figure it would take me five hours to walk to work, at that pace. Not. Walking to work *is* one of my dreams, but that's not going to happen with this job...

More later, I hope.


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