Got up early this morning so I didn't have to fight anyone for the computer. Also got up because sunlight was streaming in my window, and there was a cardinal attempting suicide at the outbuilding's window-- thump flutter thump flutter thump flutter... Since I don't have the keyboard for the Visor yet, I'm sitting here listening to my sister's cats meow and the clocks tick and eating pumpkin and cinammon bread for breakfast. This is also the room with a million clocks, btw, but they don't all seem to be running right now. Just about a dozen of them, ticking away. Dad was in Florida, so that may be why. I'm not complaining. :)

Oh, and for the record, I let Sis and Zoey into the greenhouse because they were begging to be let into the house. They didn't last long in the house, and didn't go upstairs at all, but both ended up by the greenhouse door, so I figured it couldn't hurt. (They're indoor cats, declawed, and all the other cats are outdoor ones. So they're not happy at all.)

Let's see. Watched Billy Elliott with my sister last night. It was kind of predictable. Watching Memento tonight, I hope. That's what she said, at least. So I will keep my eye out for the guy I didn't like in the Count of Monte Cristo. And I guess I'd better get some writing done before Dad gets up and wants to get online. :)

More later, maybe.


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