Today I bought mint plants. Three, to be exact. One Candy Mint, one Orange Mint, and one Kentucky Colonel Mint, which is the mint they use in mint juleps, not that I would know. I also bought a cool plant called a Lithodora, which I'd never heard of but which is evidently a ground cover with a very pretty purple flower. (Yes, I am a sucker for purple.)

The candy mint smells exactly like the after-dinner mints that melt in your mouth. I ate a leaf, and tasted mint forever. It tastes so good I'm surprised I haven't stripped the plant already. :)

The place I stopped, Emily's Cottage Garden, also had patcholui (sp?) plants, but they didn't look very healthy, so I didn't buy one. :( This kind of sucks, because I've always wanted to grow it. Ah well.

I'm waiting for the rest of my seeds, slightly impatiently, because I'm anxious to sow them. But they're not really late. After all, Mom's hasn't come either, and evidently, all the seed catalogs can't be as quick as Parks. (But I bet you can tell where I'll be ordering most of my seeds from next year...)

I'm writing Trapped tonight, if I ever get off the computer to go upstairs. Soon, I promise. Right after I check my email one last time...


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