A busy weekend, but fulfilling. Not only am I *this* close to finishing up my room, it also looks absolutely fabulous! I have a load of stuff to take to storage tomorrow and the last bookcase to paint, and then I will be finished. Of course the bathroom looks horrible now, and the third bedroom isn't finished, but these things will come. We're working, and that's what matters. One casualty of the organization--the computer you see in the picture below decided to keep freezing, so I'm using Dad's old (and very steady) computer again. Which is fine, because it's the fastest little computer I've ever seen, and very stable. So my old decrepit computer is going to storage, to fry in the coming summer heat.

I'm half looking forward to Balticon next (not this, next) weekend, and half scared out of my mind. But I will be there, come hell or high water, and I am looking forward to finally getting to a convention. I'm not so sure about the panel thing, especially since I don't know as of yet what panels I'm supposed to be on, but I'm sure I'll survive.

And I'm still writing Trapped, after a what, two week hiatus (except at work?). Things are happening. I still have no real clue to the ending, but it will come. And I like it so far. :)

I've been thinking a lot lately about goals as well as other things. Once I get some of them in electronic form, I will probably post them here, but they have to gel first. I'm still not making any firm decisions until the cc's are paid off and gone, so don't expect much change yet.

And I might be scarce, still, for a while yet. For some odd reason (that's really not so odd) the internet is quickly becoming if not unimportant, then less important in my life lately. I think it's the weather's fault. I mean, Sunday our electricity was off for four hours and I didn't even pine for email. :)


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