And it's Monday. I'd say that time flies, but I always say that, so. Anyway.

I have an essay percolating in my head. Let's see if it's ready to come out yet.

Why I Like Being Single

Hey, it's only my opinion.

I've been single for most of my life. And now, being single again, I've discovered that I'm seriously not looking for companionship in my old age. *g* I like not having to answer to anyone else when I want to buy something frivolous with my own money or drop everything and write all weekend long. I like the freedom of being able to travel when and where I wish without having to worry about someone else's wants and needs, and I really like the lack of arguments that spring from those very desires.

I like being able to do what I want, when I want, where I want, how I want, and with whom I want without the possibility of recrimination. I like being able to take charge of my own life and plan it by my own morals instead of someone else's. I like my budget. I like the fact that I make enough money to afford a house once I save up enough money.

I've never had a problem going to movies by myself. I used to do that all the time when I worked at the library and drove past the drive-in. I don't have a problem shopping by myself. In fact, I enjoy it, because there's no one there to argue with me about what or what not to buy.

I'm a solitary person. An introvert. Independent. I only need a certain amount of social interaction to make me happy. And at the moment, my family and friends give me more than enough.

I take pride in paying off my credit cards all by myself. In writing and selling novels, without anyone's help (Well, I should say, except for the editor who buys them... that's a big help.) In making my own decisions, whether right or wrong. In enjoying life as it stands, and working to make it better.

Now, granted, I'm living with my parents at the moment. Someone would demand to know how you can be independent and live with your parents. And I would reply that even though I live with them, I also live my own life separate from them, and my life and my money and my time are my own.

I have friends. I have acquaintances. I have a life, surprisingly.

And I'm happy. Which is the point, you know? I seriously don't see myself striving to change that any time soon. Not since I'm enjoying myself so much as it stands.

/end of opinion

Sidenote: But if my family asks me for something, and it is in my power to deliver, I'll do it. Because they're my family, you know. It takes a lot to be considered family around here, blood or no blood. If you get my drift.


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