So first, the tiller wouldn't work on Monday evening. Now, granted, it was 90 degrees and very humid, so I wasn't working all that well either.

Yesterday, Dad took it home with him and cleaned it up a bit. It was working fine... until the Curse of the Ground Ivy came to pass and we both got a little too hot... so I may have to till the garden in stages.

I'm starting Ruth Stout's method of mulching, no tilling, so we'll see how that works. But I need to till first, and plant, and then mulch, and then this fall, mulch again so all the worms will have something to eat over the winter.

Mmmm, winter.

Wait, it's not even summer yet!

Ebay auctions are postponed until I get the garden in, which will hopefully be by this weekend. (At least parts of it, that is.)


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