A couple of weeks ago, Dad told me that one of the estate sale auctions sites had a Penguin Quill Wheel upcoming, so I told him to bid on it, because I'm still buying local wheels when they appear. (A few weeks before that, I got a $10 Great Wheel from shopgoodwill.com in Indiana.)

So today was the first time I had a chance to really try it out. I'm making Elsa a doll for Christmas, so I thought I'd spin up some of the fiber I've reserved to use for doll hair.

Here's my Penguin wheel:

And here's the yarn for Elsa's doll's hair, not quite finished (although it's soaking now):

The yarn actually has sparkles in it, but the picture does not show that. It's a mixture of blonde and browns; I think it will look great! And I have more if needed.

Earlier this morning, I caught Chloe sleeping in her favorite spot:

Which is, of course, on the big radiator in the library. So much for keeping it cleared off for raising bread dough. :)


Grey Walker saidā€¦
Doll hair! Glorious!

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