The air is on for the second time this year. 78% humidity inside the house, 78F degree temperature makes it quite swampy in here.

Really, if the temperature is high and the humidity is not, I don't care if it's 90F. I wish they made whole house dehumidifiers, because I'm actually quite okay with 78F in here. I mean, it's summertime, after all.


Grey Walker said…
I finally gave in and turned on air conditioning, too.

Hey, I was wondering. I want to get a knitters' loom (not immediately, but sometime). Is there a good place to find used ones online? Or do people love them so much that they never get rid of them?
Jennifer said…
I would check the Warped Weaver's Marketplace on Ravelry or the Used Tools & Equipment on Ravelry. They show up pretty often there! :)
Grey Walker said…
I knew you'd know. Thank you! *hug*

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