Mabel and I just got back from a walk around the long block, which is really one and a half blocks combined. If we're feeling lazy, we'll go on a walk around the short block, which has a shallower hill. If we're feeling adventurous, we'll go for a walk around the long-but-still short block, which has a nice steeper hill. And if we're feeling frisky, we'll go for a walk around both.

Since bulldogs aren't very blessed in the stamina department, both blocks combined are about all Mabel can handle at the moment. Hopefully, her stamina will improve a bit as time goes on and we both get used to walking. (I will say that it's so nice to have a dog to walk, though! And one guy this evening actually knew what Mabel was, too. Which was coolness indeed.) And I met the neighbors' new baby Hannah (the neighbors across the street who have two Jack Russell Terriers) and introduced myself, too.

It's still light outside, and probably in the upper 60s. It got up to 85 today, which is way too hot for April, in my opinion. And yet the house is still nice and cool on the inside.

If only we could manage all summer long without air conditioning... my electric bill would be next to nothing. *sigh*


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