Today I stopped at Goodwill and found that they were having a 99 cent sale on skirts, among other things. I found four skirts--all of which fit (three are a little loose, even!) One is from the Gap, one is Old Navy, one is Bobbi Brooks, and one is NY Jeans. The NY Jeans one had a $32.99 price tag on it. And the Old Navy one might just replace my disentegrating favorite jeans skirt that I've had since I was a freshman in High School. (Let's see. I graduated in 1992, so... 16 years ago?! Clothes do really last that long, I tell you. I'm surprised it still fits, but I'm not complaining! But it is starting to fade. Since it's so long, the bottom is shot.)

And three crock canisters from Pfaltzgraff in the Yorktown/e design (ebay has with an 'e' and without, so I'm not sure.) I'm watching an auction with the fourth one at the moment.

And I'm lusting over these two canes at the moment. Those are my types of snakes!


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