Well, I dashed between the raindrops to the PO and had to use their big wheeled bin to carry the stuff from my car to the PO. I think I need a dolly-thingy/whatever-you-call-those. If I'm going to be posting hundred of auctions a week, I think I might need to invest in one of those. Or else somehow persuade Chris to come with me. *g*

I just sat down to write. Wordcount is 43,578, which is ok. I've done about 1k (I think) so far today. Hopefully I'll get at least one chapter done tonight, if I don't spend all my time chatting on ICQ.

I bid on a keyboard for the Visor. Am contemplating buying both kinds (they're about $20-$40 each on ebay) and reselling the one I don't like, but I'm not sure I want to shell out the money. We will see. If the one I'm watching goes cheap enough, I might do that. Thanks, Scott, for the tip, btw! I swear I sat here trying to remember the name and I couldn't remember it to save my own life. :)

In other news, Emily and I are going in together on webhosting fees, and we're going to host starsprites.com and urbanfae.com on faeriefriends.com! This will be cool because I'll get to share space with Em and we can help each other out. Although that now means I need to build the UrbanFae website. In. My. Spare. Time. (haha) Actually, I fiddled with the logo a bit last night. It's not uploaded anywhere yet... (well, I guess it can be fairly quickly, hmm? Want to see it?)

It's okay, I guess. Kind of plain. I will have to fiddle a bit with it and see if I can get a good logo out of it. I don't really want anything too fancy.

Anyway, I have to get to work. More later, perhaps.


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