Ok, I had posted Elizabeth (My Union #36 loom) on ebay for sale. But after rearranging the Green Room today, I've decided to keep her, and give myself until the end of the year to use her and decide if I really want to keep her for good.

Right now, the Green Room is workable. Everything has a place. I'm happy with how it looks and it's very organized. I can even use my Great Wheel just fine; she fits right beside Elizabeth without a single issue. I have no reason, space-wise, to sell Elizabeth. Financial-wise, I am still ahead of schedule, so I'm really not sacrificing anything. I received two offers of $200 over the course of a month, which is too low, in my opinion. And I like plain weave anyway; it makes no sense to get rid of her unless I truly have no space. And that's not the case.

So. Elizabeth is staying.

I have:

Ester--four harness 26" Glimakra Pysslingen table loom
Lisbet--four harness 22" Harrisville Designs floor loom
Elizabeth--two harness Union #36 floor loom
Nigel--two harness 4" Structo table loom
Junior--Anders Lervad 8" rigid heddle loom
________--J. Seidel tape loom
and my project loom. That's enough.

P.S.--The Great Wheel's name is Agnes.


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