I bought two books at Burlington--one on Medieval herbal remedies, and one on tea. That's it. I spent $15.

There was a Great Wheel there, but it had a few issues and the seller wanted $200 for it, which is far past my comfort level. Someone did buy it, though; it wasn't there when I went around for the last time. But it was not me. And that's ok. I'm going to take one of my spare wheels to Burlington in October, I think, however. If someone other than me bought one, then I might get lucky--and get my price, too.

Otherwise, it was seriously too hot to consider much of anything else. So I didn't even really consider asking the price on the old Singer sewing machine, because I really didn't want to lug it back to our spot. And it wouldn't have been cheap enough anyway. But that's really the only other thing I saw that I might have asked about if it wasn't so darned hot.

And there were a lot of dealers missing, too, with the 50% chance of rain and the heat combined. But I'm home now, and not dying, although I'm planning to go to bed early tonight, definitely.

I'm hoping September and October's Burlingtons are much cooler.

(Oh, and I did make somewhere around $80, so that was nice too.)


Grey Walker saidā€¦
Medieval herbal remedies and tea. :)

Jennifer saidā€¦
I thought you would approve. :)

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