My neighborhood is quiet during the day. I sat and listened throughout the day today; other than the occasional car, I heard only crickets and the odd locust. Birds sang in the trees. The rooster from down the road crowed periodically. Right now, I'm listening to the frogs and the crickets, who will, eventually, sing me to sleep.

So I guess my neighborhood isn't quiet during the day; it's loud. But it's a good loud, isn't it? Sometimes I feel like I'm out in the middle of a forest instead of within the village limits and a block and a half away from the courthouse.

Sometimes, quiet--especially this kind of quiet--is so nice.

I'm looking forward to more of the same tomorrow.


Grey Walker saidā€¦
You are so right! I love that kind of loud, too.

Our neighborhood also has the periodic sound of trains going by in the distance. Some people hate it. I find it soothing for some reason.
Jennifer saidā€¦
I would find it soothing too, from a distance!

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