Okay, the front is finished. The whole thing. I am melting, but other than that, it's done and the lawnmower has been put away.

Whew! I'm glad it's not really hot outside.

I did not get my bread on, however; I'm going to have to wait until tomorrow to do that. But I have about an hour and a half until I have to go to Mom and Dad's to watch Miss Elsa for a bit, and then I'm off to an auction, and then I'll be home.

Now, the shower! Cool water. And lunch.

Oh, and I forgot to mention--Scarecrows is currently 26,475 words. I am no longer worried about how long it will be; I know some of what will happen, and... it's not going to be pleasant, let's just say.


Grey Walker saidā€¦
I can't wait to see Scarecrow.
Jennifer saidā€¦
I posted a snippet just for you. :)

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