So I went to an auction in Batavia yesterday evening, because there was a spinning wheel there, of course. And again, of course, it came home with me.

The nice thing is that she's a small plain-ish Saxony style wheel; the even nicer thing is that she's signed "T. Millard." So her name is Tess. The picture's from before cleaning; she's all cleaned up now. And guess what? My spare Saxony flyer/bobbin fits. Ha. I predicted she'd go for $50, she went for $60, which was under my budget, so I'm happy there. Also? I don't have to look at small Saxony wheels on ebay anymore, because I have one now.

The only other thing I purchased for myself was a Bybee mixing bowl in the discontinued cornflower blue color that I love--that was $12.50. I bought Jess a newer trunk to turn into a litterbox for $12.50 as well; she paid me for that, so all is well there.

I didn't get back until late, though, and slept hard all night long until around 7am when I awoke from a dream that I can't remember much of at the moment. And I've been writing on and off all morning, but I'm about to stop for now. My goal for the day is to go through the boxes of stuff from the rolltop deskbottom, and decide what needs to go into my blue desk's drawers and what can be discarded. We'll see if I succeed.


Grey Walker saidā€¦
Welcome, Tess! :)
Jennifer saidā€¦
She's a keeper. :)

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