Okay, Updates

First off, let's just say that trying to organize myself and getting leftover Christmas presents made, etc., is just not going to work. Therefore (and this is the post blogger ate earlier), I am pushing Operation Clean Slate (henceforth known as OCS) forward until after Christmas. December 26th, to be precise.

I will be looking at three things:

1. Crafts/Hobbies/Debris/Decluttering
I have come to the conclusion that I have way too many hobbies. I can't do everything under the sun and still have time for everything else, so certain things I really don't have time for are going to have to go. I'm still hashing out the details, but I think what I'm going to end up doing is splitting up some crafts/hobbies by season (like, I only crochet in the winter time), and getting rid of some of them all together. I enjoy dollmaking. I enjoy polymer clay. I want to learn how to play my keyboard, and I want to do more with my photography. Along with writing, that leaves me precious little time to do anything else, you know? So changes are coming.

Along with this will be my goal of having a clean basement. And that will be my goal. By February, I want to only post things on ebay that I make, nothing more. That means I need to buckle down, get things together, and get rid of the debris that is cluttering up my life!

2. Writing/Career
My largest goal next year is to make a decisive step towards my goal of writing full-time. That means getting things organized, having enough money to pay postage for submissions/queries, plotting out series and stand-alones, and probably finishing at least nine novels next year. I must also continue promoting the book that is already out and the books that will be coming out. After getting rid of the debris, this is my #1 goal.

3. Time Management
To do these things, I must be organized. I must be able to work around a day job for as long as it takes to go full-time to writing. That means buckling down, not giving up, and doing it. If I want to succeed, I have to do this. There's no other way. To get organized, I must get rid of the debris. There's no other way.

Yes, this is a virtual pep talk to myself. But you know what? I need all the pep talks I can get!

More later...


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