Well. I know I said I would take some time off writing, but you know what? I had 32 pages just sitting there of the Bookstore story (The original AbNo story)... and I can't... I can't... I can't resist...

I shouldn't be so surprised. I've never been able to take a vacation before. So I'm officially renaming AbNo (the finished one) something else; I'm just not quite sure what. This current WIP will be AbNo from now on. Let's all get confused, why don't we? (grin)

Well. Let's see. I have laundry to fold, and then (gasp) the bedroom's done! Wow. And then I get to work on the hall closet, whoopee. I haven't started the laundry yet, but I might still tonight. Bathroom would be really easy to finish before I go to bed tonight, too. We shall see.

I miss the boards. (sniff) I want to post updates, and I can't!!!

More later, I'm sure. I seem to be really addicted to blogs today. Or something.


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