Nnnngh. Not a good start to the morning. I hate that time of the month. But at least I'll be 'fine' by noon. Urgh. I came close to calling in sick today, just because I'm usually useless until noon. Ungh.

I haven't been writing 2k per day, so I don't know if I'll finish TER by the time I leave for Florida. But I'm not all that worried about it. This story doesn't seem to want to be rushed, and I'm fine with that.

I have what probably will be a long post (not a rant, really) concerning the gulf I see between two certain sets of sf writers. It's a really... odd gulf, and I'm not entirely positive why it's there. It concerns con-going as well as publishing, and all of that.

It's actually been brewing for a good while, but I couldn't quite get a handle on why there's such a gulf between the two groups. And I'm serious about that--with the exception of one or two writers, these groups don't mix. At all.

That's one of the things I'm still trying to understand. So it might be a while yet before I post on this subject again.


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