Well, the second coat is on, and I've put one coat on the next half of wall. I might need to put one more coat on, but we'll see.

Evidently I can recoat after 4 hours, so all of that could be done tonight. Conceivably, at least.

Had some more thoughts about Sarah and HD while painting; I find it quite nice to paint and think about writing and what needs to be done with the series. And I did write a few sentences of Ladybug, Ladybug last night before bed.

Mabel tried to go after the paint roller, so she had to wait in her crate until I was done with the wall. I used a brush on the other wall, so she hasn't done that before. In truth, she's been very good. No blue dogs yet. (No blue cats either, for that matter.)

Yesterday, while browsing the web, I came across this, which I thought was very interesting. For the sake of the record, the eighth dog I picked was the pit bull. Appearances can be deceiving, after all. And I think this is a great tool that could be used to educate people about 'pit bulls'.


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