Okay, no word on the results of the phone interview yet; more to come...

I'm taking the morning off to catch up on some things here. I have to make a couple of phone calls, and I think I might go to the PO again before I head to work. That will free up this evening, at least, for more auctions or packing or something or other.

So. Anyway.

I wish I could take a week off. A week would do it; I'd get everything packed, all the auctions posted, and be able to breathe a bit easier. *sigh* Ah well. Such is life. At the moment, I only have 2 1/2 days of vacation time, and I'm using up my personal time today. I should be getting a week's worth of vacation time come November, but that's in November...

Anyway. Maybe if I get everything taken care of this morning, I'll be able to write a bit tonight. That would be nice. Misty's been bugging me. :)


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