It feels more like Christmas now. I wrapped most of my presents last night. Without any papercuts, even. Yay.

I still have Christmas presents to finish up, but only one or two... maybe three. Hopefully I will get finished. If not, I'll definitely be up late on Christmas Eve.

CtS is still not finished. I didn't write much over the weekend, and I didn't get much written yesterday either.

Got my last shipment of knitting needles from Canada--they are COOL! I gave Em some knitting stuff for Christmas, and gave her the cool green knitting needles (on the outside of the package, even--very Christmasy.) I also stuck some in her stocking.

The only problem I see (and it's not *really* a problem) is that the sizes aren't American. But luckily they came with a gauge so I can tell what's what.

And got a survey from ebay to fill out asking me how their customer service response worked. hahahahahaha. Don't make me laugh. I'm going to fill it out, if only to let them know how badly their response did not help. But I'm waiting until after Christmas.

Let's see. I got the best peanut butter fudge from my supervisor yesterday, and I have a plate of cookies from one of the counselors today. I only gave coworkers (except for my fellow support staff) Christmas Cards, since I was a bit overbudget this year. But that's ok. I brought cookies and candy to share, so that works.

Let's see. Anything else? Thanks to Tee Morris for a quick reply to a difficult marketing question. Now I think I know what I'm doing. :)


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