Name statistics! (Stolen from Eric)

Jennifer is the #6 most common female name.
0.932% of females in the US are named Jennifer.
Around 1188300 US females are named Jennifer!

This is so true. My best friend in High School was Jenni, and I had another friend named Jenny as well. Now, I have another Jenny.

I was never Jenny, but always Jennifer. This stemmed from fourth grade, when Jenny and I were in the same class and our teacher made us sign our names differently so she could tell us apart (we were both Jennifer S.) The one time I wrote Jenny on an assignment, I got into trouble, so I was Jennifer ever since.

My friends are allowed to call me Jen, but never Jenny. (Although if you don't know that rule and accidentally call me Jenny, I will forgive you. :)

Lind is a very rare female name.
Very few females in the US are named Lind.
Be proud of your unique name!

I was named for three things: the Jenny Lind furniture, Jenny Lind, and a street in Amelia, OH. (I am kidding about being named after a street in Amelia, OH. My parents claim they just liked the name... since they had a Jenny Lind crib and all.)

StClair is the #2788 most common last name.
0.004% of last names in the US are StClair.
Around 10000 US last names are StClair!

It's actually St. Clair, but that version didn't come up in the database, other than being very rare. I am probably distantly related to 90% of the St. Clairs in the US. Alternate variations are Sinclair, Sinkler, Saint-Clair, St. Claire, and Sincleer. There are probably more. And I have relatives in Scotland and the UK as well. Distant relatives, but still. (One of these days, they will have a surprise visit from their long-lost cousin from America. ;)

Our most famous relative, other than Henry, was Arthur. We have our own clan, and although it is spelled 'Sinclair', St. Clair is the older spelling. The family motto is 'Commit thy works to God.' We have some tartans, of course.

There is a St. Clair college, St. Clair software, a St. Clair county community college, a Lake St. Clair, and Fort St. Clair. And then, of course, there is St. Clair's Defeat.

We are not just Scottish, of course. Family last names include Pfaller, Windmiller, and Villari.


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