103,590 at the moment, and I'm in the thick of things, too. Malachi is not a happy camper. I am rather liking the new stuff.

I am also rather tired, for some reason. I may go to bed soon and finish the chapter/s tomorrow.

I made vegetable chili (kind of) tonight for supper in the crock pot I got for free at the auction last week. I had to find out if it worked, after all, and since I was cleaning, I figured why not?

It was very good. I put in some lemongrass this time, and it worked very well with the basil, thyme, lemon basil, and a bit of sage that I added to the mix. Yum! And there's enough left for a couple of days' worth of lunches, too. Very flavorful.

The only thing I didn't get to make was bread; I thought about it too late. I might make some in the bread machine tomorrow. We'll see.

At the moment, it's 80 degrees in here with 74% humidity. Yes, it took that long to get the humidity down. I'm thinking that I won't open the windows tonight.


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