I mowed the front of the front yard yesterday before it rained, and the hill today, including most of the garden (which is mostly dandelions) but not all of the garden, because the mower kept getting stuck. That leaves me free to actually plant stuff in the garden the rest of this week/over the weekend, which will be done pretty early on the weekend, since it's supposed to be 93F on Sunday! (Yikes!)

When I got home this evening, a small furry body ran to meet me at the door--one of the kittens had gotten out of the corral and was very! frightened!! and wanted! to! tell! me! all! about! it!!! And the other kittens were also very vocal and upset; I think Gracie is starting to wean them, and three of them actually tasted the food I offered them this evening, so that's good! I'm not sure what I will do when all eight meet me at the door, however.

It looks like I have four girls and four boys. Birdie is a girl; the only long-haired one is a girl, both runts are boys, and the one who adores me is also a girl. I could kind of see that in the one who adores me (I mean, seriously, she just stares at me and silently begs for attention.) I think her name is Juliet. Hmm, maybe I should go with a Shakespeare theme, except for Birdie, of course.

It looks like I've purchased a spinning wheel--the first one this year, I'd like to point out, so that's not so bad. This one will be staying, however.

Here's the listing photo:

Dated 1820, with some initials and a few numbers as well, along with a nice paint job. Comes with extra bobbins and a flyer. One maiden is broken, but the pieces are supposed to be all there. I'm pretty sure she's about the same size as Sofia.


Grey Walker said…
Oooooh nooooooo, the beginning of the new spinning wheels!!!!


So the kittens are starting to run around. What are you going to do with them all?
Jennifer said…
Well, Dad has clocks, I have spinning wheels... it's not a terrible thing. :)

I'm going to try not to trip over them when they are underfoot, that's what I'm going to do!

Still about 3 weeks before they could go to new homes, though. So it will be a while yet.

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