I started watering the garden last night. Meaning, everything (except the potatoes and garlic) will get a good long drink of water. 10 1/2 watering cans later (and I'm guessing each watering can is about a gallon and a half) I watered and mulched the new peppers and the eggplants, and watered the pole beans, the big tomatoes, the quinoa, and the sweet potatoes.

That was almost 16 gallons of water, if I'm right about how much my watering cans use. Thank goodness for my bin-on-wheels that I can fill up and push down the driveway.

But I'm not done by a long-shot; I'll fill it up again this evening, I imagine.

In the back, five of the big watering cans watered everything, including the berry patch, Ethan's garden, the potted plants, and the gooseberry and quince.

I have a baby round zucchini, and baby beans. And my tomatoes are getting quite large--I'll have to take pictures this weekend.

The next chance of rain is Friday night and Saturday, but at the moment, it's only a 40% chance. Maybe our luck will change and we'll get some rain, but I'm not counting on it.


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