And, after writing approximately 13,000 words in three days (damn!) the nasty set of scenes are wrapping up. We have the aftermath now, of course, and what an aftermath it will be.

In the original Fire and Water, I was on page 186 at this point. In the current version, I am on page 209. So I'd say I'm pretty close to being on track for approximately 90k-100k--to get to 90k, I only have to write about 44k more words. So that would mean I'm about halfway.

Current wordcount: 46,130. I might start the next chapter, but I won't get much more written tonight.

I did go out into the garden earlier, and I picked a basket full of stuff--mostly tomatoes, but a lot of small ones, cherries, and even smaller volunteer cherries. I gave Emily four or five yellow squash to sell at the Farmer's Market, and I picked four more tonight. The squash is unfortunately about done; I won't be getting much in the way of Thelma Sanders Sweet Potato Squash or Spaghetti Squash, but oh well. Next year, I really have to plant them farther apart. (And what else did I plant? Acorn Squash? Butternut Squash? I'm not going to have either of those.)

My zucchini is also about done, and even the yellow squash doesn't look as good as it did last week. But my okra's going crazy, and I picked four more this time. Maybe I have enough to do something with now? I'll have to see. (Reminds self to check out okra recipes.)

My paste tomatoes are starting to ripen, which is cool, because when I do Slow Roasted tomatoes with the huge Amish Paste tomatoes, I'll only be able to fit four across on my cookie sheets. The Red Fig Tomatoes are so cute. They aren't really paste tomatoes, more like pear shaped cherry tomatoes. I could see myself planting those again, just for the cuteness factor. (And especially if they really do dry well; they're supposed to!)

My sesame is blooming, too. I need to plant that again next year. And my slugs have already chosen their half-ripe tomatoes, so I put them on the ground as I do every year; that way, they don't bother the ones left on the tomato plants until they're ready to get another one, etc., etc. I don't mind sacrificing a couple since I have special slugs. (Spotted this morning: a 6.5 incher!)

Oh, and one last thing: My volunteer potatoes and the ones I planted in March will not die. By now last year, I had dug up the early ones. But this year, they won't die! Not that I'm really complaining mind you; I've been eating off them for months anyway. :)

So a writing report and a garden report in one tonight.

I did have to turn on the air this evening. It was really nasty-humid in the house, and the humidity's not supposed to break until tomorrow.


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