Good morning.

Half of our electricity has been out since the storm last night--interesting, isn't it? We thought it was a circuit breaker or something, but it turns out there are thousands of people across the city without power. Still. *sigh*

It keeps coming back on fitfully (as in the ceiling fan came on right before dawn, I think, and the downstairs light worked when I woke up this morning, but it doesn't work now.

Of course, the electricity decided to go out right at the start of the hockey game last night (Chris Was Not Amused) and although I am not a hockey fan, the Red Wings kicked butt! Wow. We ended up running an extension cord across the floor to plug in the TV, and then I did the same thing down the basement for the freezer so all the meat did not thaw out.

Of course, that means it's going to be awfully difficult to clean the basement in the dark, so I suppose I will do the rest of the house today and hope the electricity is on tomorrow. *sigh*

Oh, did I mention it's the front half of the house and the AIR CONDITIONER?!?!?!!! Argh. :( Not fun. Last night was coolish but sticky, and I have a feeling it's just going to be very humid today. And when this place gets humid, every piece of wood gets oozy and sticky and ucky... this is not going to be a fun day.

And, did I mention someone was in a foul mood last night because of all of this? Typical, typical. At one point, he goes, "You notice I haven't thrown anything or broken anything or threatened you at all tonight."

I say, "Yeah, but you've called me stupid (again), dissed my dream (again), yelled at me for no good reason (again)... What do you want me to do, congratulate you for your behavior?"

"Well, I..."

"You still need to go to counseling, Chris."

"Well, I've been working 16 hour days and you expect me to do everything when I get home!"

"Well, shit I don't. I left your education loan in the basket for you to open. That's it. Get over it, and quit this. Watch your hockey game. I'm busy."

"You know, the guys at work tell me you spend too much time on the computer. My dad tells me you spend too much time on the computer."

"So you talk to the guys at work about me?"


"And what do their wives do?"

"They're not pursuing some pipe dream, that's for sure. And their houses are clean."

"Uh-huh. And I'm sure their husbands help out with the housework, too. And I don't see it as a pipe dream."

"Well, it's not a job..."

"I see it as one."

"Well show me the money!"

"Sooner or later, I will."

"That's not good enough. Show me the money."

"Do you get paid for volunteering at the KofC?"

"That's different. That's charity."

"Same difference. That's a job too, technically."

"No it's not."

"Yes. It is."

"You should spend less time in front of the computer and more time with me."

"Well, maybe if you started acting like a human being towards me, I would. Did you ever think of that?!?"

"I only want some consideration here..."

"Yeah, so do I."

What is this deal? Where is my karma?!?!?

One good small thing: We were on the budget for the gas bill because it was so high, and then they came and read out meter and found out they had charged us $89.00 for January when it should have been $26. And the same with February. So they ended up crediting us $129, which took care of the back stuff, so we're not on the monthly budget thing at the gas company any more. We are caught up!!! Yay.

Seven days until Florida...


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