Well, this is going to be sign-off for two whole weeks of bliss with my family. (Don't laugh, I'm dead serious.) I'm leaving tomorrow after the Board Meeting, and heading off for vacation. What fun.

I will be keeping a travel diary of sorts, though, and I'll post it when I return.

If I owe you an email, I haven't forgotten but I'm probably not going to get to it before I leave. If I owe you anything, bear with me, it's only two weeks. :)

I have a bunch of stuff loaded on my Visor to take with me. I'm waiting on one more thing (You know who you are, Sarah...) and then I will upload Fire and Water and be ready to go.

Clothes are packed. There is a pile in the basement to go to Goodwill. My backpack is packed, almost. I have to gather some teabags and some tolietries, but that's about it.

And I'm sitting here thinking I've forgotten something horribly important, but I can't quite remember what it is I forgot. Argh. Figures!!

So long, farewell, and see you in two weeks.


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