For some reason, this week seemed to go on and on and on even though I only worked Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. (Most of Friday. Our computer system was down most of the day, and all the work I had to do was on the computer system, so I left an hour early.)

I'm glad it's Saturday, though.

On the list for this weekend:

--Clean and organize office as much as I can, then work on pile in hallway. (most of the pile comes upstairs to the office, and the office is full.) (Today)

--Go to bank (today)

--Pay off Capital One (Today)

--Pay and mail bills (Today)

--Finish the very first Kitten for Katrina--I had this idea last night to make knitted stuffed kittens for adoption on ebay and donate most or all of the proceeds to one of the animal societies involved. I started the first one, a light gray kitten, last night, but since I had the idea at 11:30, I didn't get very far before I went to bed. (This is since I don't have any extra money, and I want to help out in some way.) It is my own, very simple, design, so we'll see if it works out ok. (Today)

--Work on Kayleigh a bit, if not finish her. (Sunday and Monday)

--Go to Mom's Pampered Chef party. (Sunday afternoon)

--Figure out how I'm storing my fabric and storystuff, which are the main piles in the office. (all weekend)

--Write (all weekend)

--Clean kitchen floor (Today or tomorrow.)

And there will probably be more, but this will do for now.


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