I put more string on the trellis this evening--when I walked outside at 9pm after doing my evening butchering practicing on the Secret Project*, it was fabulously cool so I decided to get some work done in the garden. I'll probably have to add more string as time goes on. Next year, if I do the same setup, I might invest in some of that plastic fencing or something, which would be a lot easier to use.

Most of my tomatoes look great. A couple are rather small still, but I have faith they'll grow. My zucchini and crookneck squash have female buds, so fresh squash soon, yay! My vining squash is also blooming; I could see the blooms from inside the house this morning when I glanced outside.

Tomorrow, if it's nice enough at 8:30-9pm, I'll start tying up tomatoes. I also have some beans that grew back from seed (one broccoli plant, too), and since the beans are evidently pole beans, I have to figure out what to do with them, too. One of them is right by a tomato plant, and is growing up the stake, which works, but the other one is not really close by to anything. Maybe I will put up a stake just for it. We'll see.

Tonight, I ate the yummiest garden supper yet. I picked a bunch of beet leaves and swiss chard, tore up the leaves (after washing them, of course), topped them with a bit of butter and a small amount of Ohio swiss cheese, and popped the whole mess in the microwave for two minutes. It was heaven. I could eat that every day.

*Yes, yes, I know I said I would post. It's still forming in my head. And I suck so far anyway, so it's not like I have much to show for it, other than short fingernails and the ability to almost play the 'D' scale.


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