Rearranging the Green Room.

Right now, I moved my rocking chair to sit in front of the old porch table (it was on my parents' porch forever, seriously) where the cones of linen and wool and cotton yarns were. There were too many cones for the shelves I have, so I made room in the chest of drawers with two doors (What do you call these things anyway?) and moved a lot of it there. That made everything look more neat and organized, and gave me room to store all three of my small looms. So that means--officially--that all of my looms are in the 'loom room' for good.

The other yarn winder is on top of the card catalog drawers on top of the chest of drawers with two doors. The standing yarn winder is in front of that, along with my cast iron pot standing pot rack that I use to dry skeins of yarn on. I rearranged the yarn I keep in suitcases--I took the mohair and angora out of the mesh hatboxes and put it in a suitcase. That freed up one hatbox for the remnants (small balls of yarn of all kinds) and my handspun, which had been in baskets before.

My container of leftover craft show stuff (and anything I might add to it later on) fits perfectly under the old porch table and the hatbox of yarn remnants is on top of that. I used the empty suitcase for fiber, used the empty hatbox for my fiber WIPs, and the other for my handspun.

Right now, I have an orphan sewing machine (the Apartment sewing machine) which really needs a spot, one chair (a non-issue, really), a small pile of stuff I took out of a drawer, and a small stack of books and other things I have to go through.

While I am off on vacation, I will do the following:

--Bring my blue desk downstairs. It will go where the typewriter desk is currently sitting.
--move the rolltop deskbottom upstairs where the blue desk is now. It doesn't have to be set up right away.
--Put the typewriter desk where the rolltop desk is.... maybe. This is a weird corner. I like how it looks at the moment, but without this desk here, I'm going to have to do a bit of reworking. So I'm not sure. Alternately, I could bring the old kitchen table in here alongside my blue desk, and put the typewriter desk back into the entry room for ebay stuff. That actually might not be a bad idea. However, I really wish I could find a spot for the typewriter desk and not have to move it ever again, 'cause it's a bear to move. So we'll see.

This corner is awkward because of the air conditioner and the huge trunk that sits in front of the air conditioner. Right now, I have the half table there--the one Dad gave me after bidding on it and winning it for $6. It's nothing special, but it works where it is at the moment. With my blue desk down here (which is smaller than the rolltop desk bottom) and if I put the typewriter desk beside it, I'm not sure how much room I will actually have right there. And, I run the risk of covering the only plug in the room, which isn't a good idea, now is it?

And do I need another desk here? Probably not. But where to put it? That's the million dollar question. Hrm.

Oh, did I mention I still don't have a spot for the bikes, either?!

I will be very happy if I can get this all worked out without much trouble. We'll see.


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