So this is actually pretty late for me, at least this week, for being on the computer. I've been shutting down by 7:30-8pm, and then writing for the remainder of the evening. But tonight, I really didn't have any reason to turn on my computer at all right away--I had to get a typewriter ready to take in for a coworker's elderly uncle, so I did that instead. I also started a loaf of bread, since my sourdough from the weekend isn't all that great.

So far, the experiment with pen and paper is working out great. I've written eight pages, which might not seem like a lot, but it's a lot for a week day when the story's been going slow, believe me.

I'm actually almost to the end of the prologue to Scarecrows. I'm not sure how many pages I have left, but the end is in sight.

And for some reason, time doesn't seem to go as fast when I'm not sitting in front of a screen.


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