Last night, Chloe came home with me and I slept much better with a clock ticking in my room and the warmth of a cat in bed next to me. She seems to be settling in quite well, although I think I need to bring someone else ASAP for company while I’m at work. I’m wondering if it should be Zoe or Pooh.


I brought most of my yarn stash to the house last night and some odds and ends from my room. We didn’t quite fill up the back of Mom’s car, but it was close. Hopefully, this afternoon after I get off work, I will stop by storage, get some more boxes, stop at the house for a while, unload, play with Chloe, and then go and get some more clothes and what we didn’t take last night that I had packed up to bring. And then I have to finish the utility room wall and scrub the floor. Yes, all tonight. Heck, I was painting last night at 10pm.


At least I’m keeping busy. And I’ve unofficially decided to take a writing vacation until the first of the year, at least. I’ll be writing at work, but there’s house stuff to do while I’m home. (And this means editing too, so the stuff in the pipeline is just not going to get done until January. Sorry.)


This morning, the unheated kitchen was a bit less cold, or else I’m just getting used to it already. I am impressed how fast a teapot full of cold water heats up on the gas stove, however.


I am working on a to-do list so I can cross things off as I go along. It needs to be done, because I don’t want to forget anything.


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